Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.Carl Jung

Why Not Forgiveness?

Why not take a higher road and apply forgiveness to politics, specifically to George Bush–Several on Capitol Hill want to investigate the Bush Presidency. Senator Leahy, chair of the Judiciary Committee, calls it a truth and reconciliation commission but then explains it in a way that makes one wonder if prosecution is a possibility. He and others say we must know the truth. Indeed so. But hasn’t there been several books, commissions, articles and programs documenting the misuse of power, the excesses, the errors of the past administration? Is another likely to uncover anything of significance? Absent any proof there was some malfeasance or some intent to harm instead of the erroneous mindsets, stubbornness, bad judgments, wrong deductions and mistaken ideas that seem to have prevailed, it’s difficult to see how the nation can benefit. A few egos would be stroked, a few politicos would gloat, others would say I told you so. Still would the nation move forward? There is the argument that what happened need to be prevented from happening again. An investigation, no matter its label, may not be the way, legislation may be more fitting. Besides, at a time when resources are scare, the idea of an investigation does seem misplaced.
Taking a higher road may be more constructive, applying forgiveness to politics may be more useful in the end than any kind of investigation. Mistakes were made. Directly or not, we all paid and are paying for them. Regardless, let us now forgive. Let us not forget lest the offense be repeated, but let us forgive. Let us open our hearts, understand that making mistakes is a common denominator, that forgiveness heals far more than an investigation–one which whether or not it starts out with good motives is very likely to be politicized and hence become divisive.