Every thing that lives, lives not alone, nor for itself.William Blake

Planning For The End of Hunger

–The world’s undernourished is now over one billion. The Head of the Food and Agriculture Organization says it’s time to eradicate hunger–Heads of organizations often have plans, that’s what they do, but when Jacques Diouf, the director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization, does so, his message is worth heeding. Concerned that the economic crisis is hitting the undernourished even more than in the past, seeing that the number of those chronically hungry has now topped one billion, he is proposing a solution. Let’s put behind the UN Millenium goals to halve the number of undernourished by 2015 and instead let’s work to eradicate hunger by 2025. He suggests we learn from past mistakes, particularly in the 1990’s when agriculture investment sharply fell, which he says paved the way for the surge in food prices over the last two and half years. To pursue his ideas he proposes a world leaders summit in Rome next November to tackle the issue of food insecurity. In 2008, thirty countries suffered food riots. Food insecurity is a political as well as human rights issue, and looking ahead is important on all levels. Let’s hope M. Diouf succeeds.