There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.Leonard Cohen

More Expensive…

According to a study at Iowa State University a single murder costs the society $17.25 million, each rape $445,532, each robbery $335,733. The costs are calculated based on criminal justice costs, lost productivity estimates for both victim and criminal, as well as the estimated costs of measures to prevent future violence such as extra security or insurance. When one multiplies these figures by the number of homicides or rapes or robberies the numbers are high indeed. For example the 18,000 murders recorded in 2007 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would add up to some $300 billion.
Law and order is still a popular slogan often espoused by political candidates. It may be time to rethink our response and beliefs, and realize that our current laws and justice system do seem more expensive than we can afford—financially and morally.