When it comes to Islam, Germans are not any friendlier to the religion than are Americans. The issue of Muslim integration, or rather the said lack of it, is big on the German Agenda and immigration is not an easier subject there either. That is why reading that Onasbruck University has started seminars for imams is an amazing piece of news. Many of the some 2000 imams in Germany do not speak German. They come from countries like Turkey, spend some time in Germany and then go home. Now with this program imams can be trained in state institutions and be part of the fabric of the culture of which they become a part. Almost 100 imams have expressed interest in this pilot program which is aimed at facilitating integration and assimilation. So far there is only room for thirty. Those interested which include some women come from Bosnia, Turkey and several Arabic Countries.
It’s such a simple idea with such potential to build crucial bridges between cultures and religions. Perhaps other countries, including the U.S., will feel free to copy it.