A Misplaced Priority?

–The slow food movement may be popular in some social circles but how can it help world hunger?–I read how the global economic crisis is threatening hunger in several countries. I hear about the President of Sudan trying to expel international aid workers and the consequences for the already destitute and abused in Darfur. I see a documentary on a Cambodian mother teaching her daughter how to retrieve red ants from a bush so that what will be their only source of protein can be mixed into their noodle soup dinner. And then I come upon a TV segment on Alice Waters and her slow food movement. Is she as disconnected from world realities as she seems to me to be? Or, is it I who misses something? Good food, she says, should be a right. Amen! But how is slow food going to feed the hungry, help the half of the world’s population (yes, half) who are either hungry or malnourished? It may be that whatever its merits—and they do exist—the slow food movement is—for some at least—a misplaced priority.