Age Friendly Cities

Imagine a city that offers the elderly opportunities  where physical and mental disabilities are not an obstacle, where you can live your final years with grace and dignity? That is what is being proposed in Valdivia, in southern Chile. And if it works they hope to expend it to the rest of the country. Chile not only has a problem with the percentage of its population Continue reading “Age Friendly Cities”

Dog Foster Care

We need to notice small and unexpected good things sometimes. It feeds the heart. In this case it’s dog foster care. I began by learning about the Dog Trust Freedom Project in the UK. They are volunteers who are foster  caregivers for the dogs of people who have been abused and can’t take care of their pet for a while. I am sure there are Continue reading “Dog Foster Care”

Web Pricing Differences

When Rafi Mohammed used his Orbitz iPhone app to book a vacation package he found one rate. When he looked up the very same thing on the Orbitz website from his laptop, he received another, one that was about %6.5 more. He’s a pricing strategy consultant and wrote about his experience for the Harvard Business Review. Dynamic pricing which Continue reading “Web Pricing Differences”

Donations From Inmates

In Texas, inmates got together and donated almost $54,000 towards the relief of hurricane Harvey. That is not the first time. After Katrina and Rita inmates collected $44,000. What makes these donations truly laudable is that they come from the trust funds of the inmates, money used for them to buy snacks or things they may otherwise not have.  In about one month 6,663 inmates donated $53,863, all the more impressive since most of the inmates had $5 or less in their account.  It may sound commendable when a celebrity donates millions, but these donations seen as a percentage of total assets stand out far more. These are small donations, and in some instances the larger ones the Continue reading “Donations From Inmates”