The Structurally Unemployed

There are 20 million people in the United States who would like a job and don’t have one or else have a part time job and would like or need more hours. These are those who are persistently without a job and are called the structurally unemployed. Their numbers has grown over the last few years. They are people who are unemployed because they have a criminal record, because they lack the skills or do not have the required education, because of where they live, in rural areas where jobs can be scarcer, because they are disabled, have a history of mental illness, or drugs. In more cases than Continue reading “The Structurally Unemployed”

The Professional Press and the Public Interest

For most of us there are moments that stand out . Having been a child right after WWII when prejudices were still raw, I can’t help but be sensitive to what could prevent anything like another holocaust. So it is perhaps to be expected that when a professor spoke about how to prevent future holocausts I listened and still remember his thoughts. Leo Kuper had been an associate of Nelson Mandela and when Mandela decided to go into the bush as a means to protect himself against encroaching South African authorities, Kuper who was also on the same list to be arrested, or banned, or Continue reading “The Professional Press and the Public Interest”