Rights for sex workers

Revolting Prostitutes: the fight for Sex Workers’ Rights is a new book by Juno Mac and Molly Smith which puts the focus on the rights of sex workers. In making its point the book draws a distinction most of us are not familiar with, the difference between decriminalization of sex work and legalization of it.  Legalization as it does in Nevada and the Netherlands means that sex work is legal within a context and is Continue reading “Rights for sex workers”

A Nursing Home for Sex Workers

In many countries once sex workers are no longer desirable enough to work, they end up destitute and homeless. Carmen Munoz saw that, and a sex worker herself she was not only touched by their plight she wanted to prevent this from happening to her. Her own story can be typical of why women go to work in one of Mexico City’s several red light districts. At 22 with 7 children, her husband left her. She heard of a priest who helped people find jobs, but after Continue reading “A Nursing Home for Sex Workers”