Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.Carl Jung

ILD Blog

  • Yes, Democracy Is Messy

    It’s easy to say Democracy is messy, but what do we mean? I can only speak for my understanding as to why. Citizens are like the pieces of a mosaic, all equal but not all the same. We each have one vote, but the ignorant has the same vote as the learned, the one with…

  • A New Use for Earthworms

    Earthworms may have a place in the ecological system of the planet, but they are not sought after creatures, safe for a few like composters or fishermen looking for bait. Now they are helping dairy farmers and have one more group seeking the benefits they can give.  The millions of gallons of water used by…

  • Street Art on Asphalt

    Imagine art work on the pavement’s asphalt!  That’s what the Asphalt Art Initiative is doing, it is part of Bloomberg  Philanthropies and is giving 19 European cities grants to create eye catching murals at crosswalks and near sidewalks. The idea is also to slow down traffic and accommodate pedestrians’ safety. Recent such initiatives have shown…

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