There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.Aristotle

June 2018

  • 68.5 Million Refugees

    Being an immigrant is very difficult. I know from experience what it’s like to leave everything you know and have behind and go towards an unknown. And in our case we didn’t have to pay smugglers, we didn’t have to walk across borders, we had passports, visa, purchased our own plane fares and weren’t fleeing war. So when I read that the number of refugees and displaced persons from wars and persecutions has reached 68.5 million, I shudder. These are 68.5 million lives which have been (more…)

  • Health Insurance Companies and Profits

    Health care is a big consumer concern and health care costs an even bigger one. As is already known, the US spends more per person on health care and gets less than other developed nations. And then there’s the fact that one in 5 of every person currently being pursued by collection agencies is for medical debt. The issue of rising costs is proverbially complex, and in part why ProPublica, the investigative reporting site in conjunction with NPR conducted an examination which puts a finger on how (more…)

  • Using The Word Dark and Racism

    I was driving listening to well known, well liked, remarkably able Larry Mantle on KPCC doing a segment on suicide where people called in and some professionals spoke. One of the professionals from Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services, a respected center, kept using the word dark when speaking about the place most people with suicidal ideation find themselves in. Then Larry Mantle in summarizing what she (more…)

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