The SEC passed a law not long ago so that by 2017 publicly traded companies will need to disclose not only the pay of their CEOs and 4 other top officials but also the ratio of their salaries to that of the average workers in their companies. The law is meant to help implement part of what is called the “Say on Pay” clause passed in 2011 as part of the Dodd Frank act, a clause which requires corporations to give shareholders a right to approve the pay packages for executives. The CEO/worker ratio is not new, and has been (more…)
August 2015
A Challenge to Amazon
Any media outlet considering itself important has felt the need to report on the NYT’s article describing what’s it’s like working for Amazon. As the Title reveals—Inside Amazon: Wrestling Ideas in a Bruising Workplace—it isn’t a picnic, but a high pressure, competitive, even brutal environment. The instance that was so ugly to me was about co-workers leaving messages on a worker’s supervisor’s voice mail containing some negative comment about that person, and by the language used (more…)
Not Victims But Warriors
David Kirp, a public policy professor at Berkeley, writes in a NYT op-ed about an anti-poverty program in Houston where they did something quite rarely done: They asked people in some neighborhoods with high poverty rate, what they needed. That he points out has not been (more…)